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Your Very Own Biodiesel Processor!

Appleseed Biodiesel Processor Kit
This kit includes nearly everything you'll need to build a working Biodiesel Processor from an electric hot water heater. It comes with all of the plumbing, fittings, pump, and hookups to get you up & running. You simply provide an electric hot water heater and a stand to mount it to and you'll be making biodiesel in no time!
About The Kit:
The kit is based off of the open source Appleseed Processor. It uses the same principles and works the exact same way. We just sourced all of the parts together into a single kit and put together an easy to use, step-by-step set of plans to make it easier to use this popular open-source processor
About The Plans
The kit comes with our popular step-by-step processor plans that have well over 175+ pictures to show you how to build the processor. It also includes an unlimited login to our online version of the plans.
With over 175+ high-resolution pictures that illustrate step-by-step how to build these great Biodiesel Processors, we make it easy! To make it even simpler, we had a graphic designer professionally create a 10 page, high-quality easy to read set of diagrams that breaks down every part on the processor as well as detailed wiring diagrams. We even include a downloadable version of the plans, pictures, and diagrams! It just doesn't get simpler than this!
The plans include a listing of all the supplies and tools needed to build this great biodiesel processor and even show you how and where you'll be using each tool!
We also include extra bonus material to all of the photos we used to produce the plans, well over 250 high resolution pictures!
Features- Kit includes everything except a water heater and stand
- Printed plans and login to online plans included as well
- Plans cover everything from start to finish
- Fully illustrated with over 175+ high-resolution photos
- Bonus material of 500+ additional high-resolution photos
- Profesionally created processor & wiring diagrams
- Completely downloadable
- Customized to be "printer friendly"
- 16 detailed pages when printed
- Created professionally by Graydon Blair
- Secured behind a secure web server
- Unlimited 24/7 Access To Our Online Processor Plans
Because this processor is an "open source" design, the instructions for operating it are posted on public websites. Here's six that are particularly good at explaining how to use a processor of this design.
Picking The Right Size Water Heater A great article on sizing water heaters
Instructions From The Inventor Step By Step Operating Instructions
How To Load The Processor Instructions on how to load it with oil.
Home Brew Biodiesel This is an actual book and highly recommended.
Biodiesel Safety Tips on processing Biodiesel safely.
Tips on making the pumps safer:
The Clearwater Pump Details on making the pump setup safer
Video Tutorials
Matthew Flansburg produced a really nice set of videos on how to make Biodiesel using our system. It's an excellent resource for learning how to use an Appleseed Style Biodiesel Processor!
Getting Started
Processing Biodiesel - Part 1
Processing Biodiesel - Part 2
Processing Biodiesel - Part 3
You will be dealing with Methanol (a poisonous alcohol), a strong base of either Sodium Hydroxide (commonly called Lye) or Potassium Hydroxide (commonly called Caustic Potash), both of which can burn you if they get on your skin, oil (which can be downright messy), and heat and electricity.
By purchasing this kit, you hereby agree to absolve ('hold harmless') Chandler Bio, Utah Biodiesel Supply, MGBJ Enterprises, and any of it's employees or staff from any and all responsibility for any potential harm to person(s) or property that may result from the use or misuse (accidental or intentional) of this kit.
You understand that Methanol (Methyl-Alcohol), Sodium Hydroxide (Lye, NaOH), Potassium Hydroxide (Caustic Potash, KOH), and Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4) are highly corrosive chemical substances and may be dangerous or harmful if misused.
You hereby accept full and sole responsibility for any potential harm to person(s) or property that may result from the use or misuse (accidental or intentional) of this kit.
Below are two MUST READ guides on Biodiesel Safety and one MUST SEE safey video.
Biodiesel Safety Article from the Collaborative Biodiesel Tutorial
Biodiesel Best Practices Excellent guide from Penn State on producing Biodiesel safely.
Biodiesel Safety Video by Jon Van Gerpen, Idaho State University.
If you do not agree with these terms, do not purchase this kit.
Shipping Information:
This Kit Ships Through The US Postal Service In 4 Boxes.
All of the plumbing, elements, pipe tape, and electrical connections will arrive in (1) Flat Rate Priority Box.
The Carboy will ship priority mail in it's own box.
The tubing will ship in a separate box.
The pump will ship direct from our distributor.
The plumbing and carboy will show up before the pump. Depending on where you live, the pump box can take 7-10 days to arrive.